March 28, 2010

[新設計/New Design] Summer Berries Shawl 夏莓披肩

終於將設計好很久的披肩拿出來打了. 春天一到就想到夏天成熟的的莓子, 垂涎三尺咧.
Finally started knitting this long ago designed shawl. Now that spring is here, I am craving the juicy berries in the summer.

不曉得是線太細, 太軟的關係還是 bubbles 需要改成 [上針, *掛針, 上針* x 3], 一點都看不太出來那個珠珠的樣子.
Perhaps the yarn I am using is too thin/soft the bubbles are not very eye catching. I might have to change the bubbles to [K1, *YO, K1* x 3] instead.

先繼續打下去, 打完整型過後看結果再看要如何改進.
Anyway, I will continue knitting as originally designed, once it's completed and blocked, I will decided how to improve pending results.

昨晚陪老爺看電視, 突然心裡又浮現長披肩的花樣設計. 呵呵~ 或許該多陪陪老爺看電視, 會有更多圖樣出現..... 繼續作夢吧.
Last night while watching TV with DH, a new designed came to mind. Hehe~ perhaps I should watch TV with DH more often, I will have more design ideas...... Keep dreaming.

March 25, 2010

新設計 - 襪子 Floret Toe-up Socks

過去一年瘋織襪子, 學了不少, 也有心得. 所以決心自己設計襪子圖樣.

這雙 Floret (花苞) 蕾絲襪是從腳趾頭往上打. 織圖裡有三個不同的尺寸(腳底-腳背圓徑), 小 (7.25英吋), 中(8.25 英吋)與大 (9.25英吋)

襪線(50g/195m) : 大約 320 - 365 米長
針碼: 2.0mm 36" 輪針一副 或 5支雙頭針


腳背, 腳踝上方前後都有蕾絲花樣



織圖費: US$3.99