January 22, 2009

[FO] Après Christmas 襪子完成

They are done! They are Done!! My first pair of socks ever!!
Pardon my excitement. I remember last year when people asked me whether I would knit socks, my reply was "not likely I will ever knit socks!" Well, slap me for saying so. I humbly beg your forgiveness for such a "un-educated" reply.
Now that I knitted my first pair, I think I am totally hooked!

完成了! 完成了! 我生平第一雙襪子!!
對不起, 我如此的興奮! 記得去年有人問我是否會織襪子, 我回"不可能吧." 在此很謙誠的恭請各位原諒我當時那樣無知的回答.
織完這一雙襪子後, 我想我上癮了!!

Side view/旁觀

Top of the sock pattern view/鳥瞰織圖花樣

I am now very looking forward to my next pair of socks, knitting with TKA's knitters.

Oh, must not forget the update on my ISE7 scarf .
喔! 差點忘了報告ISE7 圍巾進度.

ISE7 圍巾進度到目前為止算是很順利. 打完150段後約有20公分 x 60 公分, 差不多是超過1/3完成. 打蕾絲打久了, 其他花樣打起來就不是很帶勁, 所以連這次的圍巾都自己設計花樣了.

ISE7 scarf is progressing nicely. After Row 150, there's 20cm in width, and 60cm in length, a bit over 1/3 completed. After knitting just about everything lace for a few years, nothing else seems to tickle my fancy, so even the scarf designs are lace patterns.

這次的交換主題是[春花] 因為希望在二月底三月初能看到早春的花盛開. 所以蕾絲花樣也就函了花蕾, 花苞, 花葉與柵欄.

The theme for the exchange is [Spring Flowers], as we hope to see early blooms by end February/early March, so the patterns include flower buds, blooms, leaves & picket fences.

This is the beginning of the picket fences.

花苞 flower buds

花蕾 Blooms

再來就要打花葉的部位. 這條圍巾要一氣呵成, 所以打完花葉以後所有的花式要倒過來打, 將才不會花樣顛倒. 希望一切順利.

I will be knitting leaves from here. As this scarf is knitted from one end to the other, after leaves, all patterns will have to be knitted up side down so that the patterns won't look funny. Hopefully I will not encounter any problems. We shall see.

January 18, 2009

Après Christmas 襪子 - Part 2

織啊織的, 到了腳跟部位, 怎麼??? 奇怪? 為啥織圖有看沒有懂呢?

So, I was happily knitting along, got to the Heel Turn ....... Huh? How am I supposed to make the shpae? (Please bear in mind, this is my first ever sock knitting.)

織圖只寫" 角跟 (留20目剩餘),
第1 段: (反面) 滑1針, 18上, 2上併1針,
第2 段: (正面) 滑1針, 3下, 2下併1, 1下 轉面
第3 段: ) 滑1針, 4上, 2上併1針, 1上轉面

這讓襪子新手的我愣住了..... 織, 拆, 織, 拆, 織, 拆, 共3次, 終於.... 原來作者沒有將要如何織才能做腳跟罩杯完全寫出.

應該只有重複第2與3段, 每次打第2段, 滑1針後的下針數要加2目 (也就是說3, 5, 7, 9), 相同的每次打第3 段滑1針後的上針數也要加2目(4, 6, 8, 10)直到針上只剩下20目為止.

The instruction says:
Heel Turn (leaves 20 sts rem)
Row 1 (WS): Sl1, p18, p2tog, p1
Row 2 (RS): Sl1, k3, ssk, k1, turn
Row 3: Sl1, p4, p2tog, p1, turn
Continue in est pattern.

This just totally floored me. I knit & rip, knit & rip, knit & rip, yet again.... Finally, I figured it out that I was to continue to repeat row 2 & row 3, and each time I knit row 2 I am to increase the knit stitch after Sl1, by 2 (i.e. 3, 5, 7) and at the same time, when I repeat row 3, I am also to increase the purl stitch after Sl1 by 2, i.e. 2, 4, 6.... until there are only 20 stitches remaining.

這是腳跟罩杯剩下20目/20 stitches remain

再繼續打下去.... 嗯~??? 重新將雙頭針編號後..... "下一圈, 10下, 置記號環, 29下, 右下兩並針 (入), [1下, 1上 (1上, 2下, 1上) 重複8次, 1上, k下], 左下二併針 (人), 29下, 置記號環, 10下" .

奇怪? 沒有那麼多目耶. 應該是" 下一圈, 10下, 置記號環, 19下, 右下兩並針 (入), [1下, 1上 (1上, 2下, 1上) 重複8次, 1上, k下], 左下二併針 (人), 19下, 置記號環, 10下"才對.

Continue on.... eh? After re-numbering the needles, "Next round, k10, pm, k29, ssk, [k1, p1 (p1, k2, p1) 8x, p1, k1], k2tog, k29, pm, k10". But, but.... I don't have that many stitches!

It should have been"k10, pm, k19, ssk, [k1, p1 (p1, k2, p1) 8x, p1, k1], k2tog, k19, pm, k10"

(嘻嘻~ 像不像獨木舟? Hehe, doesn't this look like a kayak?)

OK, 繼續進行..... 诶? "三角腳跟減針處第 1 圈第 3 圈 (減針)處的 - 第4 支針: 下針打到記號環前 3 目, 右下兩並針 (入), 1下, 滑記號環, (滑1目, 1下) 重複5次" 又寫錯了!!
應該是: 1下, 右下兩併針 (入), 下針打到記號環, 滑記號環, (滑1目, 1下) 重複5次

OK, keep knitting...... Argh! Gusset Decreases - Round 1 & Round 3 (decrease): Needle 4: Knit to last 3 sts before marker, ssk, k1, sm, (sl1, k1)5x

Should be: Needle 4: K1, ssk, knit to marker, sm, (sl1, k1) 5x.

昨晚邊看電視邊打, 第一隻襪子快好了. 挺有成就感的.

Last night, I knitted while watched TV, my first sock is almost done. I felt it's quite an achievement.

January 15, 2009

Après Christmas Toe-up Socks 聖誕節後的襪子

最近這兩天超冷的, 攝氏零下21度!! 更慘的是加上風寒, 感覺像是攝氏零下35度. 難怪 連最愛玩雪的狗兒子都不願到後院尿尿. 昨晚看電視時兩腳就是暖不起來, 將囤積已久的襪線挖出, 拿著織圖打起襪子來.

It's been so cold for the past 2 days! Flippin' -21°C!! With windchill, it feels like -35°C. No wonder even our dogs who love to play in the snow, refuse to go out to do their business!! Last night while watching one of my favourite TV programs, my feet were so cold, so I dug out the sock yarn that I have had for a long long time, and the sockk pattern, started knitting socks.
前面有花樣/Front with patterns

為啥叫做聖誕節後襪? 一嘛, 聖誕節已過. 二嘛, 這襪線的顏色實在是很聖誕氣. :)
我織襪子, 這是第二回攻擊. 上回嘛~~ 不提也罷, 反正織圖沒讀好, 火大就拆了. 這次我會小心翼翼的一段一段的看織圖, 照圖織.

Why do I call this Après Christmas ? It is after all a new year. Secondly, the yarn is so Xmas-y.

This is my second attempt to knit socks. The last time was a total disaster, because I did not read the pattern carefully. The end result was rip-it!! This time around, I am going to be reading the instruction very carefully, then knit the socks bit by bit.

腳背部位有4段重複打的花樣, 說是要重複15次或是直到腳背與腳踝處. 可能我線較粗或是腳小吧, 重複9次就已經快到腳背與腳踝處, 我看頂多再重複個兩, 三次就應很夠了.

Foot area has a 4-row repeat stitch pattern, it says that to repeat these 4 rows for 15 times or desired foot length. Either my yarn is a bit thicker, or my feet are small, I have repeated 9 times, and I think after another 2 or 3 repeats, it should be long enough.

腳底(只有線本身的條紋)/Bottom of the foot (only stripes)

織圖/Pattern: Blue Suede Socks
線材/Yarn: KnitPicks, Sock Garden 100% Merino Wool, Hollyberry (discontinued/停銷)
針碼/Needles: 2.25mm dpn (a set of 5/5支雙頭針)
開打日/Start Date: 2009-01-14

January 13, 2009

敗家買線 Recent Yarn Stash

過年後因在家度假"無事"做就上網趴趴走. 不趴還好, 一趴就....敗了!
我在魁北克省一家網店 Robyn's Nest 除了一些哩哩摳摳的又買了這些線.

I took time off around Xmas/New Year, and as I had "nothing" to do after New Year, I went on line, surfed a bit, and ended up buy these yarn on top of some notions from Robyn's Nest in Quebec.

Malabrigo Lace Yarn/Malabrigo 蕾絲細線
100% Baby Merino Wool 100%小美麗諾羊毛
Colour: Butter/顏色:黃奶油

Noro Silk Garden/野呂絲園
45% Silk, 45% Kid Mohair, and 10% Lambswool/45% 絲, 45% 細毛海, 10% 羊毛

Flock of Feathers
95% Wool, 5% Cashmere/95% 羊毛, 5% 開絲米爾
Colour: Flamingo/顏色: 火鳥

One of a Kind
85% Wool, 10% Angora, 5% Nylon/85% 羊毛, 10% 兔毛, 5% 尼龍

One of a Kind
85% Wool, 10% Angora, 5% Nylon/85% 羊毛, 10% 兔毛, 5% 尼龍

One of a Kind
85% Wool, 10% Angora, 5% Nylon/85% 羊毛, 10% 兔毛, 5% 尼龍

January 07, 2009

[WIP] 計畫, 變化 - ISE7 Plan Change

上篇文章裏的線打了30來段後有點擔心, 所以馬上發了e-mail 給密友問他喜歡蕾絲線還是DK線, 還有喜歡羊毛, 駝羊毛或是竹纖混紡? 密友回覆: 較偏愛羊毛蕾絲線, 不過最好是依我喜歡打的線作為前提. 嗯~ 人還真細心/貼心. :)

I got a bit worried after using the yarn in the preivous post knitted for about 30 rows, immediately I e-mailed my pal and ask what type of yarn she prefers. She replied that she likes lace weight.

這是我改用羊毛蕾絲細線後所織出來的. 織圖也因為改用蕾絲線而稍微修改了一下. 我絕得還不錯看耶.

This is the WIP after I changed to handpainted 100% wool lace yarn. I have also modified the pattern due to change of yarn. I thought so far so good.

Now that our Canadian Junior Hockey team had won the Championship, I should be able to concentrate on knitting the scarf more.

January 03, 2009

國際圍巾交換7 - ISE7

是的, 我又參加了[國際圍巾交換]. 這第七回可是左盼右顧的總算登場. 我的下游密友住在暖和的佛羅里達州. 從依媚兒裡的交往中看來人不錯, 喜歡中性"地球色調" (earth tone), 希望打給她的圍巾不會太暖.

Yes, I am participating in the long waited "International Scarf Exchange 7" again. My downstream pal lives in a warmer place. From the e-mail correspondence, it sounds like she is very nice. She likes earthy tones, and does not want her scarf to be too warm.

我有竹纖/羊毛混紡的線, 顏色是洋蘇草綠(sage green), 織圖則是我自己設計的"春花圍巾"以符合這次交換的主題. 希望密友會喜歡.

I got bamboo/wool blend yarn and the colour is sage green, the pattern is my new design "Spring Flower Scarf" to match the theme of this exchange. I hope she will like it.