So, I was happily knitting along, got to the Heel Turn ....... Huh? How am I supposed to make the shpae? (Please bear in mind, this is my first ever sock knitting.)
織圖只寫" 角跟 (留20目剩餘),
第1 段: (反面) 滑1針, 18上, 2上併1針,
第2 段: (正面) 滑1針, 3下, 2下併1, 1下 轉面
第3 段: ) 滑1針, 4上, 2上併1針, 1上轉面
這讓襪子新手的我愣住了..... 織, 拆, 織, 拆, 織, 拆, 共3次, 終於.... 原來作者沒有將要如何織才能做腳跟罩杯完全寫出.
應該只有重複第2與3段, 每次打第2段, 滑1針後的下針數要加2目 (也就是說3, 5, 7, 9), 相同的每次打第3 段滑1針後的上針數也要加2目(4, 6, 8, 10)直到針上只剩下20目為止.
The instruction says:
Heel Turn (leaves 20 sts rem)
Row 1 (WS): Sl1, p18, p2tog, p1
Row 2 (RS): Sl1, k3, ssk, k1, turn
Row 3: Sl1, p4, p2tog, p1, turn
Continue in est pattern.
This just totally floored me. I knit & rip, knit & rip, knit & rip, yet again.... Finally, I figured it out that I was to continue to repeat row 2 & row 3, and each time I knit row 2 I am to increase the knit stitch after Sl1, by 2 (i.e. 3, 5, 7) and at the same time, when I repeat row 3, I am also to increase the purl stitch after Sl1 by 2, i.e. 2, 4, 6.... until there are only 20 stitches remaining.
這是腳跟罩杯剩下20目/20 stitches remain
再繼續打下去.... 嗯~??? 重新將雙頭針編號後..... "下一圈, 10下, 置記號環, 29下, 右下兩並針 (入), [1下, 1上 (1上, 2下, 1上) 重複8次, 1上, k下], 左下二併針 (人), 29下, 置記號環, 10下" .
奇怪? 沒有那麼多目耶. 應該是" 下一圈, 10下, 置記號環, 19下, 右下兩並針 (入), [1下, 1上 (1上, 2下, 1上) 重複8次, 1上, k下], 左下二併針 (人), 19下, 置記號環, 10下"才對.
Continue on.... eh? After re-numbering the needles, "Next round, k10, pm, k29, ssk, [k1, p1 (p1, k2, p1) 8x, p1, k1], k2tog, k29, pm, k10". But, but.... I don't have that many stitches!
It should have been"k10, pm, k19, ssk, [k1, p1 (p1, k2, p1) 8x, p1, k1], k2tog, k19, pm, k10"
(嘻嘻~ 像不像獨木舟? Hehe, doesn't this look like a kayak?)
OK, 繼續進行..... 诶? "三角腳跟減針處第 1 圈與第 3 圈 (減針)處的 - 第4 支針: 下針打到記號環前 3 目, 右下兩並針 (入), 1下, 滑記號環, (滑1目, 1下) 重複5次" 又寫錯了!!
應該是: 1下, 右下兩併針 (入), 下針打到記號環, 滑記號環, (滑1目, 1下) 重複5次
OK, keep knitting...... Argh! Gusset Decreases - Round 1 & Round 3 (decrease): Needle 4: Knit to last 3 sts before marker, ssk, k1, sm, (sl1, k1)5x
Should be: Needle 4: K1, ssk, knit to marker, sm, (sl1, k1) 5x.
昨晚邊看電視邊打, 第一隻襪子快好了. 挺有成就感的.
Last night, I knitted while watched TV, my first sock is almost done. I felt it's quite an achievement.
Hi Margaret,
your first sock looks really good. Congratulations.
Hi Gemma,
Thank you for your compliments. (blushing)
Heels are scary! The first time I did one I had no idea what it was going to end up looking like, so I just kept knitting and it felt like I blinked and suddenly there was a heel.
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