April 26, 2009

[FO/完成] February Lady Sweater 二月小姐外套

終於昨天將[二月小姐]打好. 加上扣子後試穿, 胸部稍微緊些, 但是下水洗過會尺寸剛好.
我打的尺寸是 37.5 的. 用線快800g. 袖子只有打過手肘, 實在是因為很重.

Finally, I finished the February Lady Sweater yesterday. Tried it on, a tad tight on the chest, however, after first wash, it should just be perfect.

I knitted the 37.5 Chest measurement size, used nearly 800g yarn. My sleeves are just pass the elbows, as the garment is really heavy.

天氣也轉熱, 這件就暫時收起來到秋天在出來與大家見面囉.

The weather has been so warm, I can't even put it on, so it's going to be packed away till Fall.


Lisa said...

It's beautiful, Margaret! You should post a modelled picture sometime, I'd love to see it on you!

Anonymous said...

The style of the sweater is in!!
I think this fall you should wear this and post your photo in your blog.


azzuka said...

I'm sending you a pm in flickr... check out!