自從進入夏天以來天天天熱, 冷峰批巾堆在腿上熱得很不舒服, 就將它擺到一邊織起這雙襪子.
Even since we entered the summer season, it's been hot, hot, hot, and the Cold Mountain stole was too hot for me to knit, so I put it aside, and started Catnip socks by Wendy Johnson.
設計者/Desinger: Wendy Johnson
織圖/Pattern: Catnip Socks
線材/Yarn: Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn 70% Wool/毛, 30% Nylon/尼龍
針碼/Needles: 2.25mm DPN/雙頭針 5支
這是我第一次用了很多人都稱讚的野呂襪線. 坦白說我並不覺得有多好. 顏色是不錯, 可是織起來的感覺普普. 線有粗有細, 從中心拉出來的捲到會像是打結, 常常要停下來拉.
因為看到打折而且又是我喜歡的顏色就買了兩球 (可織兩雙襪子), 我以後不可能再去買, 打折價錢我寧可去買前兩雙用的線.
This is the first time I use the ever so popular Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn. To be honest, I don't think it's as good as so many people claimed. The colours are nice, but I don't like the feeling when knitting with it. There's the thin and thick, and the yarn is so twisted when pulled from the centre, so often I have to stop to "un-tangle" it.
I bought two balls, because they were on sale and I like the colours, however, I will not buy them any more. With the discounted price, I would buy the Tofutsie or the Panda Cotton sock yarn.
June 30, 2009
June 17, 2009
Cold Mountain Stole Update 冷峰批巾進度
Just finished Row 5 of the 4th repeat (Chart A) so I thought it's a good time to post a update.
剛剛打完 圖A 第四個重複的第五段, 可以先做個進度報告.
Weather has been getting warmer each day, so the progress is slow. However, it's a cloudy and cooler today, I should be able to knit a bit more.
天氣漸漸的熱起來所以進度不快. 不過今天滿涼快的應該可以多織些.
W 16-1/4" by L 15-3/4"/寬 41.5cm x 長 40cm
Close shot of the pattern/花樣近照
Look! Someone (kitten) is helping, again!!
看! 又有"人" (貓弟) 來幫忙!!
剛剛打完 圖A 第四個重複的第五段, 可以先做個進度報告.
Weather has been getting warmer each day, so the progress is slow. However, it's a cloudy and cooler today, I should be able to knit a bit more.
天氣漸漸的熱起來所以進度不快. 不過今天滿涼快的應該可以多織些.
W 16-1/4" by L 15-3/4"/寬 41.5cm x 長 40cm
Close shot of the pattern/花樣近照
Look! Someone (kitten) is helping, again!!
看! 又有"人" (貓弟) 來幫忙!!
June 13, 2009
[FO/完成] Bora Bora Island Socks 博拉島襪
I just love how these socks turned out. Bright colours and the simple lace pattern, a true match in the heaven.
亮麗的顏色與簡單的蕾絲花樣, 真的是絕配! 愛死這雙襪子了!!
Start Date/開工日: 2009-06-04
End Date/完工日: 2009-06-10
Normally I don't like my socks with high cuffs, but in order to show off the pattern, I knitted them about 2" higher.
通常我不喜歡襪筒太高, 可是為了要顯示出蕾絲花樣, 多織了約4.5公分.
Even the kitten came to check out my socks.
A quick update on my Cold Mountain Stole:
Completed the first 30 rows + 6 rows of second repeat
打完前30段 + 第二次重複的前6段
I ended up not using the dark purple beads because they were too small :( However, the other beads turn out not bad at all.
結果因為尺寸太小我無法使用深紫色的珠珠 :( 不過另外的那組珠珠也不錯看喔.
亮麗的顏色與簡單的蕾絲花樣, 真的是絕配! 愛死這雙襪子了!!
Start Date/開工日: 2009-06-04
End Date/完工日: 2009-06-10
Normally I don't like my socks with high cuffs, but in order to show off the pattern, I knitted them about 2" higher.
通常我不喜歡襪筒太高, 可是為了要顯示出蕾絲花樣, 多織了約4.5公分.
Even the kitten came to check out my socks.
A quick update on my Cold Mountain Stole:
Completed the first 30 rows + 6 rows of second repeat
打完前30段 + 第二次重複的前6段
I ended up not using the dark purple beads because they were too small :( However, the other beads turn out not bad at all.
結果因為尺寸太小我無法使用深紫色的珠珠 :( 不過另外的那組珠珠也不錯看喔.
June 11, 2009
[WIP/編織中] Cold Mountain Stole 冷峰批巾
在剛出的Knitty 2009 Summer版裏看到 Kieran Foley繼去年設計的海景披肩後又設計了一條既優雅又不難織的批巾. 馬上將織圖印出備用. 等我博拉島襪子一打好, 就可以開工.
As soon as I saw Kieran Foley, after the Seascape in 2008, has come up with another not too complicated yet elegant stole on Knitty 2009 Summer, I printed out the pattern so that I could start immediately after I finish my current WIP Bora Bora socks.
織圖裏說"之所以會取名為[冷峰]是因為 1)要補足其美式陳年外觀, 並且 2)覺得夏天的戶外氣溫突然降低時可用." 不過我在看到[冷峰]兩字時, 眼前浮起的是深綠與深紫兩色, 所以挑出囤積裏的這組線, 又想到可以運用珠珠, 所以也找出珠子, 還要考慮看是要在哪裡加.
Kieran mentioned that he's called the pattern Cold Mountain (a) to complement its American vintage look, and (b) to suggest that it might be of some use during an unexpected chill on your summer vacation in the great outdoors. When I saw [Cold Mountain], dark green and dark purple came to mind, so I picked out the yarn from my stash, and I thought I would like to use some beads, dug out some, just need to figure out where in the pattern to use them.
Dark purple on the left/左邊的是深紫色
Dark blue, green & purple sheen on the right/右邊的帶深紫, 藍與綠
Designer/設計者: Kieran Foley
Pattern/織圖: Cold Mountain
Yarn/線材: 2 skeins of Handpaintedyarn Lace 800m/100g
Needle Size/針碼: 3.25mm circular (3.25mm 輪針)
Start Date/開工日:
Finish Date/完工日:
As soon as I saw Kieran Foley, after the Seascape in 2008, has come up with another not too complicated yet elegant stole on Knitty 2009 Summer, I printed out the pattern so that I could start immediately after I finish my current WIP Bora Bora socks.
織圖裏說"之所以會取名為[冷峰]是因為 1)要補足其美式陳年外觀, 並且 2)覺得夏天的戶外氣溫突然降低時可用." 不過我在看到[冷峰]兩字時, 眼前浮起的是深綠與深紫兩色, 所以挑出囤積裏的這組線, 又想到可以運用珠珠, 所以也找出珠子, 還要考慮看是要在哪裡加.
Kieran mentioned that he's called the pattern Cold Mountain (a) to complement its American vintage look, and (b) to suggest that it might be of some use during an unexpected chill on your summer vacation in the great outdoors. When I saw [Cold Mountain], dark green and dark purple came to mind, so I picked out the yarn from my stash, and I thought I would like to use some beads, dug out some, just need to figure out where in the pattern to use them.
Dark purple on the left/左邊的是深紫色
Dark blue, green & purple sheen on the right/右邊的帶深紫, 藍與綠
Designer/設計者: Kieran Foley
Pattern/織圖: Cold Mountain
Yarn/線材: 2 skeins of Handpaintedyarn Lace 800m/100g
Needle Size/針碼: 3.25mm circular (3.25mm 輪針)
Start Date/開工日:
Finish Date/完工日:
June 05, 2009
[WIP/編織中] 博拉博拉島襪 Bora Bora Island Socks
I am totally hooked on knitting socks, especially when the weather is getting warmer. Now that I am more familiar with the construction aspect of knitting socks, I am ready to knit with lace patterns.
The colours remind me of the beautiful Bora Bora Islands, hence the name. :)
我織襪子織上癮了! 尤其是現在天氣漸漸變熱織襪子不怕會有一堆羊毛在大腿上. 也對襪子的結構了解很多, 這回來打有蕾絲花樣的襪子
段染的顏色讓我聯想到博拉博拉島的亮麗色彩, 所以這是我的博拉博拉島襪. :)
作者/Designer: Wendy Johnson
織圖/Pattern: Waterfall Socks
線材/Yarn: SWTC Tofutsies 50% Superwash Wool/防縮羊毛 25% Soysilk Fibers/豆纖 22.5% Cotton/棉 2.5% Chitlin/貝殼 100g/425M
針碼/Needle Size: one set of 2.25mm DPN 雙頭針一組
I was worried that the lace pattern would not show well with the yarn, however, the simple lace pattern defused my worries.
原先挺擔心用斷染線蕾絲花樣不會很明顯, 可是簡單的花樣顯示的很清楚, 我也就安心的繼續織下去.
This is the first time I use this yarn, I must say, it's a very pleasant experience to knit with Tofutsies. I am sure going to have to buy more for my future sock knitting.
我從來沒用過這款線, 織起來又輕又順, 織起來很愉快. 以後織夏天的襪子會多考慮用這組線來織.
The colours remind me of the beautiful Bora Bora Islands, hence the name. :)
我織襪子織上癮了! 尤其是現在天氣漸漸變熱織襪子不怕會有一堆羊毛在大腿上. 也對襪子的結構了解很多, 這回來打有蕾絲花樣的襪子
段染的顏色讓我聯想到博拉博拉島的亮麗色彩, 所以這是我的博拉博拉島襪. :)
作者/Designer: Wendy Johnson
織圖/Pattern: Waterfall Socks
線材/Yarn: SWTC Tofutsies 50% Superwash Wool/防縮羊毛 25% Soysilk Fibers/豆纖 22.5% Cotton/棉 2.5% Chitlin/貝殼 100g/425M
針碼/Needle Size: one set of 2.25mm DPN 雙頭針一組
I was worried that the lace pattern would not show well with the yarn, however, the simple lace pattern defused my worries.
原先挺擔心用斷染線蕾絲花樣不會很明顯, 可是簡單的花樣顯示的很清楚, 我也就安心的繼續織下去.
This is the first time I use this yarn, I must say, it's a very pleasant experience to knit with Tofutsies. I am sure going to have to buy more for my future sock knitting.
我從來沒用過這款線, 織起來又輕又順, 織起來很愉快. 以後織夏天的襪子會多考慮用這組線來織.
June 04, 2009
[FO/完成] Cotton Candy Socks 棉花糖襪
I started knitting before leaving for Italy end of April, and finished the first sock shortly after arriving in Milan, then went into "siesta" mode, hardly knitted at all for the month of May.
Came home last Friday, finally picked it up again, now the socks are done!
這雙四月底去義大利前開打的, 到了米蘭後完成了第一隻. 然後進入"午休"狀態, 一整個五月幾乎都沒摸棒針.
上星期五回來後, 東摸西摸的, 又很對不起的將襪子拿起繼續織, 總算完成了.
With a Difference heel/不一樣的腳底
Now~ onto the next project
Came home last Friday, finally picked it up again, now the socks are done!
這雙四月底去義大利前開打的, 到了米蘭後完成了第一隻. 然後進入"午休"狀態, 一整個五月幾乎都沒摸棒針.
上星期五回來後, 東摸西摸的, 又很對不起的將襪子拿起繼續織, 總算完成了.
With a Difference heel/不一樣的腳底
Now~ onto the next project
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