June 11, 2009

[WIP/編織中] Cold Mountain Stole 冷峰批巾

在剛出的Knitty 2009 Summer版裏看到 Kieran Foley繼去年設計的海景披肩後又設計了一條既優雅又不難織的批巾. 馬上將織圖印出備用. 等我博拉島襪子一打好, 就可以開工.

As soon as I saw Kieran Foley, after the Seascape in 2008, has come up with another not too complicated yet elegant stole on Knitty 2009 Summer, I printed out the pattern so that I could start immediately after I finish my current WIP Bora Bora socks.

織圖裏說"之所以會取名為[冷峰]是因為 1)要補足其美式陳年外觀, 並且 2)覺得夏天的戶外氣溫突然降低時可用." 不過我在看到[冷峰]兩字時, 眼前浮起的是深綠與深紫兩色, 所以挑出囤積裏的這組線, 又想到可以運用珠珠, 所以也找出珠子, 還要考慮看是要在哪裡加.

Kieran mentioned that he's called the pattern Cold Mountain (a) to complement its American vintage look, and (b) to suggest that it might be of some use during an unexpected chill on your summer vacation in the great outdoors. When I saw [Cold Mountain], dark green and dark purple came to mind, so I picked out the yarn from my stash, and I thought I would like to use some beads, dug out some, just need to figure out where in the pattern to use them.

Dark purple on the left/左邊的是深紫色
Dark blue, green & purple sheen on the right/右邊的帶深紫, 藍與綠

Designer/設計者: Kieran Foley
Pattern/織圖: Cold Mountain
Yarn/線材: 2 skeins of Handpaintedyarn Lace 800m/100g
Needle Size/針碼: 3.25mm circular (3.25mm 輪針)
Start Date/開工日:
Finish Date/完工日:

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