自從進入夏天以來天天天熱, 冷峰批巾堆在腿上熱得很不舒服, 就將它擺到一邊織起這雙襪子.
Even since we entered the summer season, it's been hot, hot, hot, and the Cold Mountain stole was too hot for me to knit, so I put it aside, and started Catnip socks by Wendy Johnson.
設計者/Desinger: Wendy Johnson
織圖/Pattern: Catnip Socks
線材/Yarn: Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn 70% Wool/毛, 30% Nylon/尼龍
針碼/Needles: 2.25mm DPN/雙頭針 5支
這是我第一次用了很多人都稱讚的野呂襪線. 坦白說我並不覺得有多好. 顏色是不錯, 可是織起來的感覺普普. 線有粗有細, 從中心拉出來的捲到會像是打結, 常常要停下來拉.
因為看到打折而且又是我喜歡的顏色就買了兩球 (可織兩雙襪子), 我以後不可能再去買, 打折價錢我寧可去買前兩雙用的線.
This is the first time I use the ever so popular Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn. To be honest, I don't think it's as good as so many people claimed. The colours are nice, but I don't like the feeling when knitting with it. There's the thin and thick, and the yarn is so twisted when pulled from the centre, so often I have to stop to "un-tangle" it.
I bought two balls, because they were on sale and I like the colours, however, I will not buy them any more. With the discounted price, I would buy the Tofutsie or the Panda Cotton sock yarn.
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